Syllabus (also, see link on toolbar above)
Check in here regularly for new materials to review in preparation for class.
First Half of 2016 Class - Basics of Atmospheric Chemistry
Week 6 - where we left off...
Lecture on lifetimes, variability, and models (including steady state)
Chapman Chemistry
Week 7 - Midterm (October 6) (midterm answer key)
In-class "Examples" for the midterm (with answers) - Problem 1, Short answers
Stratospheric Chemistry - Catalytic Cycles and Ozone Loss
Jacob's Chapter 3 (on Models)
Second Half of Class - Exploring applications in more detail
Week 8 - The Ozone Hole (with more on photolysis, equilibrium chemistry, and heterogeneous chemistry)
Part 1 of "More detailed description of photolysis" (with some overlap to previous material)
Part 2 of "More detailed description of photolysis"
Jacob's Chapter 10 (Review of Stratospheric Basics)
A bridge lecture (see section on Catalytic Cycles)
Discovery of the ozone hole (video)
ATOC 3500 Lecture on Ozone Hole Chemistry
A previous ATOC 5151 Version of "ozone hole" lecture (from 2008)
See these links for help on Problem 17
From ATOC 3500 (super simple treatment of NO2 photolysis rate coefficient)
From ATOC 3500 lecture introducing NO2 photolysis (see bottom section)
Week 9 - Building a Model, Partitioning, Rate-determining Steps, Heterogeneous Chemistry
What are HFCs?
Important News!!
New international agreement on HFCs
A greener replacement?
Week 10 - Start of Discussion of Project Ideas,
Overview of Aerosols, Overview of Tropospheric Ozone
Aerosol Properties (including Scattering) from Jacob, Chapter 8
Tropospheric Ozone Basics (from 2008 ATOC 5151)
Hydroxyl Radical Basics (from 2008 ATOC 5151)
Items in the news
Isoprene and Aerosols
Particle composition and Clouds in the Amazon
Are stock prices affected by air pollution?
Scientists fly high to study air pollution
Air pollution and blood vessel damage
Week 11 - Urban Air Quality
Items in the news
Fireworks choke air in New Delhi
Madrid to restrict cars in city center
Observation of HOCO at CU Boulder!
Air Pollution Links to Cardiovascular Disease
Introduction to Smog Chemistry (from 2008 ATOC 5151)
Lecture on EKMA Diagrams (from 2008 ATOC 5151)
Atmospheric Oxidation (from Jacob, Chapter 11)
Urban Air Pollution (from Jacob, Chapter 12)
Week 12 - Biogeochemical Cycles and Acid Rain
Biogeochemical Cycles (from Jacob, Chapter 6)
Acid Rain (from Jacob, Chapter 13)
Items in the news
Gone too soon
Johns Hopkins U. Atmospheric Chemistry (by Richard Stolarski)
Sea Smell (dimethyl Sulfide)
Climate Policy 2017 and Beyond (Brookings)
Week 14 - Tying up Loose Ends - See Previous notes on Acid Rain
Items in the news
Week 15 - Some Old Materials for Review
Kinetics Summary (from UC Irvine Notes)
Sample Model Problem from 2014 Final
Items in the news
Smog Shuts Down Airports in China
London Experiencing Extreme Smog
Four Cities to Ban Diesels by 2025
Materials Available on Atmospheric Chemistry and Related
Materials covered in 2014
Ongoing, In-Class exercise - building a chemistry model
Part 1 - Reaction Schemes
Standard Enthalpies
This page was updated on Tuesday, August 27, 2019